Tuesday, 8 January 2008

A Milestone

Well I have an appointment at the LGI, next Tuesday, to see the pelvic surgeon. That'll be just over three months since my operation. I do hope everything is OK and he hands me over to the physiotherapists for proper rehabilitation. I am walking quite well unaided now, I still have some muscle pains that I hope a physio. can help me with. I need to get out. I need to be active again. It will not be long. I am planning on a visit to the office and perhaps attend once or twice a week thereafter. I wish the weather would improve so I can start to ride my bike again. In some respects the winter will cause me not to get out there too soon. By the time I want to be en velo, my leg should be much more mobile. It's getting better everyday.

I have had four offers of company on my first comeback rides, two offers of a loan of a turbo trainer. It's only early January, with no Christmas I feel like the year is much older than it actually is. I'll be OK, I'll be OK in late February which is the right time to re-start cycling again.

The jobs mount up. Plenty to do and I am pleased to announce that I feel very motivated to do them. I want a proper router workshop, maybe a shed with a drill press and mitre saw. No idea where I'll put one !

1 comment:

onb said...

Hello there Martin you seem to be making impressive progress ,just dont try and do too much you dont need one step forward and two back .Let me know about comeback ride I will try and join you ,I might even be able to keep up .