Saturday, 23 February 2008

Five Days a Week

I haven't added a blog entry for a while, seems that all blogs have to say that at some point. There I've done it. I have been turbo training twice a week for 30 minutes each session. In addition to that I have been visiting the gym twice a week too. It's getting easier and I am doing a little more each time, more repetitions or heavier weights. None of it hurts. My feet continue to hurt so my walking is still ungainly. I completed five full days at work last week, lots of walking to and from the bus stops. My ankles were quite swollen on Thursday and Friday evenings. The buses were a drag, the damn thing broken down on Wednesday evening and dumped us off at Elland Road. Another bus came along about 10 minutes later. Sooner I get back to cycling to and from work again the better. I had a sneaky ride on Catherine's new bike today, it's far too small for me but I had to test ride it. I felt fine, no problems at all. As I had hoped it felt second nature again. Small steps.

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